Download And Install Microsoft Sql Server Native Client
Posted on by admin
On your client machines, in addition to the PB runtimes (including PBSNC120.dll, which is for SQL Server), you also need to install the SQL Server Native Client runtime. These come as an msi installer package from Microsoft. When you install the SQL Server client, you'll need to do so as an administrator.
- Sql Server Native Client 10
- Download Sql Server Native Client Latest
- Download Sql Server Native Client 11
I am trying to get a script working to install the SQL Native Client provide on both 32 and 64 bit machines. What I have right now works for 32 bit machines but not 64 bit. I got this far by copying existing scripts, but I don't have one that seems to do what I need. Any advice? Here is my script right now.
The check function seems to work as the install does not try to install the native client if the user download the correct install from Microsoft's website and installs it first. However I'm not sure how that works. It seems to be my check script would be looking in the wrong directory for the dlls.
Here are the links from the Microsoft website I was using to get started:
Installing SQL Server Native Client
[url=]Deploying Applications with SQL Native Client
Sql Server Native Client 10
Microsoft provides three different MSI files that I need to switch between. I just don't know how to make that check and switch. I am also using web media and would prefer if only the correct version is downloaded.
As a side note to InstallAware it would great if this were a standard application prerequisite along side of MDAC.
------- checksqlncli9 -----------
Code: Select all
Set Variable SQLNativeClient9Exists to TRUE
Get Common Folder Location System->System Directory into System32Dir
Check File Version $System32Dir$Sqlncli.dll into Variable SQLNativeClient9Exists
if Variable SQLNativeClient9Exists Equals FALSE
Set Variable PREREQ to TRUE
Set Variable PRELIST to $PRELIST$$NEWLINE$Microsoft SQL Server Native Client (9.0)
------- setupsqlncli9 -----------
Download Sql Server Native Client Latest
Download Sql Server Native Client 11
Code: Select all
Set Variable SQLNativeClientInstallResult to SUCCESS
if Variable SQLNativeClient9Exists Equals FALSE
Set Variable PROGRESSTEXT to Installing Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 9.0
Set Variable SQLNativeClientInstallResult to
Set Variable SqlNativeClientLocation to
Define File Bag : #PROJDIR#sqlncli.msi, get runtime location of files into variable SqlNativeClientLocation
Install/Remove MSI Package $SqlNativeClientLocation$sqlncli.msi[ADDLOCAL=ALL] (get result into variable SQLNativeClientInstallResult)
Set Variable PROGRESSMODE to
if Variable SQLNativeClientInstallResult Equals REBOOT
MessageBox: $TITLE$ Setup, Your computer needs to be restarted before $TITLE$ Setup can continue.$NEWLINE$$NEWLINE$Please save your work in all running programs and click OK to restart your computer. Setup will resume once your computer restarts.$NEWLINE$$NEWLINE$If you click CANCEL, setup will exit. You will have to run setup again at a later time to install $TITLE$.
if Variable REBOOTNOW Equals OK
Reboot Computer and Resume Setup
Terminate Installation
if Variable SQLNativeClientInstallResult not Equals SUCCESS
MessageBox: $TITLE$ Setup, Microsoft SQL Server Native Client install failed. You may be unable to use the Online folder features.
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