The 5 Minute Veterinary Consult Pdf Reader

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Vaden SL, Knoll JS, Smith FWK, Jr, Tilley LP, eds. 2009. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA. ISBN 978-0-8138-1748-4. 763 pp.

  1. 5 Minute Pediatric Consult Pdf
  2. The 5 Minute Veterinary Consult Pdf Reader Pdf

This book is intended to serve as a companion to Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline. 4th ed. It contains information about more than 250 diagnostic procedures and laboratory tests. Topics are arranged in alphabetic order for ease of use. Introductory topics covered include general principles for performing blood, fecal, and urine tests, and also endoscopy, radiography, and ultrasonography. Diagnostic procedure topics present clinically relevant information to determine whether the procedure is indicated, as well as an overview of how to perform the procedure and interpret the results. Diagnostic procedures covered range from adrenal ultrasonsography and ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring to tonometry and Wood’s lamp examination. Laboratory test topics include comprehensive information on test preparation, performance, factors that affect each test, and a brief guide to test interpretation. In many chapters, enough information is included to enable practitioners to perform a procedure inclinic. There are, however, limited numbers of diagrams and photographs. For those wishing for more detailed techniques or instructions how to perform a procedure, suggested readings are provided. Other chapters provide practicing veterinarians with sufficient information to understand a procedure and prepare clients and patients for a possible referral.

Each topic is presented in a standardized fashion that enables rapid localization of specific information. Topics are broken down into the “basics,” including related physiology, indications, contraindications, potential complications and client education. Laboratory test chapters include information on type of specimen, including sample collection, the protocol for running the test and important test limitations. Diagnostic test procedure chapters include patient preparation, description of technique, sample handling and patient after-care. All chapters include guidance during interpretation of the test or procedural results, clinical perspectives, ancillary tests, related topics within this text or references to related topics in the Five Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline, suggested reading and Internet resources.

This textbook provides practitioners and veterinary students with an up-to-date medical reference that is practical and easy-to-use.

Articles from The Canadian Veterinary Journal are provided here courtesy of Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

Be ready to confidently face common and not-so-common canine and feline disorders with Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline, Fifth Edition. The most trusted and well-known quick reference available to veterinarians, the updated Fifth Edition continues to provide swift, authoritative answers to. Clinical Parasitology, Eighth Edition Veterinary Clinical Parasitology Pfizer Atlas Of Veterinary Clinical Parasitology Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases and Parasitology Clinical Veterinary Dentistry, An Issue of Veterinary.

Carleton CL. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA. 2011. ISBN 9780-7817-7670-7. 1208 pp. $132.00.

This is a concise reference text that could be of great use in a veterinary clinic for quick perusal in relation to equine appointments. The book would also make an excellent travel companion for those veterinarians offering equine ambulatory services as it is very compact and portable, though a hard-cover version would obviously be more durable and better suited to stand up to frequent or not-so-gentle usage.

5 Minute Pediatric Consult Pdf

This book is divided into 3 main sections: Mare, Stallion, and Neonate. Each section is divided into chapters which are arranged alphabetically. Each chapter is subdivided by the headings: Definition/Overview, Etiology/Pathophysiology, Signalment/History, Clinical Features, Differential Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Therapeutics, and Comments. Each of these sections is further subdivided by more subheadings. Each heading and subheading is in bold font, so finding the relevant topic or information you seek is fairly quick and easy.

Under the subsections Comments, there is always a list of Abbreviations included for that specific chapter. At first it can be a little frustrating having to refer to the Abbreviations list while reading the text, but many of the abbreviations are frequently repeated throughout, thus diminishing the need to refer to the list so often.

There are excellent colour photographs and good ultrasound images throughout the text, as well as a comprehensive index at the end of the book.

At the end of each chapter there is a Suggested Reading list to direct readers to other literature that may prove helpful or provide more detailed information for each topic covered in this text.

The 5 Minute Veterinary Consult Pdf Reader Pdf

This book was not written with the intention of providing all-encompassing, comprehensive information for each topic discussed. If readers acknowledge that and use this book as it was intended, as a quick, concise reference text for factual information in the field of equine theriogenology, they should be quite satisfied.

Articles from The Canadian Veterinary Journal are provided here courtesy of Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

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