Wifi Strength Meter Ipad
I can't believe that there are no apps for measuring WiFi Strength on iPad or iPhone. Some rooms in my house have bad Wifi reception, and I need an accurate measuring device to try to improve it. I just downloaded Netstumbler to use on my Laptop to to measure WiFi strength. I will see how it works tonight. Jun 24, 2017 Your iPhone has a hidden signal strength meter. Forget about measuring your cell signal strength using just dots or bars - this simple hack allows you. Most WiFi analyzer apps that run on the iPhone or the iPad cost just a few dollars, yet they offer virtually all the functionality that a home user might ever need. Instead of contacting your Internet service provider, we suggest you continue reading this article to learn more about WiFi apps for.
Wireless Signal Strength Meter App
I want to get the current Wifi signal strength from an iOS device. A Google search reveals only solutions for Android devices. From the literature I gather that Apple does not allow to access hardware and so nobody can retrieve the device's signal strength in dbm through their app.
Is this correct?
1 Answer
As you say, there is no way to do this as Apple doesn't allow apps access to the necessary hardware. (There seems to have been a way to do it in iOS 5 but only using private APIs.)
What you can do - and what, according to this article, some apps are doing - is measure network throughput instead. While that is in no way identical with Wi-Fi signal strength, it may be a reasonable workaround for your application, depending on what it is supposed to do.
Here are some Stack Overflow questions dealing with measuring network throughput: Stage plot pro cracked.
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