The Purpose And Power Of Authority By Myles Monroe Pdf

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Mar 29, 2011  In Understanding the Purpose and Power of Authority, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe turns the widely accepted but counterfeit concept of authority upside down. Then, he reveals God’s original intent, showing us how to live in the freedom of our own personal authority in God’s great design and to respond positively to the inherent authority of others. Description: Best-selling author Dr. Free ps2 iso download sites. Myles Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for women. Based on two of his most popular books, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women and Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men, this 90-day devotional will help you truly understand your God-given purpose and power as a woman. In The Purpose and Power of Authority, Myles Munroe turns widely accepted but counterfeit concepts of authority upside down. His biblically based, time-tested principles will transform how you submit to authority and use your own authority as a believer.

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Myles Munroe quotes Showing 1-30 of 156

“The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.”
“Solid character will reflect itself in consistent behavior, while poor character will seek to hide behind deceptive words and actions.”
“People generally fall into one of three groups: the few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, and the overwhelming majority who have no notion of what happens. Every person is either a creator of fact or a creature of circumstance. He either puts color into his environment, or, like a chameleon, takes color from his environment.”
“Here are a few important principles to remember with regard to the giving and receiving between males and females. When a male demands, a female reacts; she doesn’t respond. When a male gives, a female responds. When a male commits, a female submits. Nothing is more precious to a female than a committed male. Nothing is no more depressing to a female than an uncommitted male. Here’s the secret, guys: If you want a submitted female, be a committed male. It’s that simple. When a male abuses, a female refuses. Whenever a man abuses a woman, she refuses to respond. When a male shares, a female cares. If you find a man who is willing to share with the woman in his life, you will find a woman who is willing to care for her man. When a male leads, a female follows. When a man carries out his God-given responsibility for leadership, a woman responds by following his lead. Leadership does not mean being bossy, always telling others what to do. No, leadership means going ahead, not putting others in the front. Good leaders lead by example, not by decree. Jesus led by example, and so did Moses, Peter, Paul, and all the other great leaders in the Bible. Leading by example means doing ourselves the things we wish others to do.”
“When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable”
“Healthy relationships should always begin at the spiritual and intellectual levels - the levels of purpose, motivation, interests, dreams,and personality.”
“You must decide if you are going to rob the world or bless it with the rich, valuable, potent, untapped resources locked away within you.”
“It is the same way with dating. The time you are most prepared for dating is when you don't need anyone to complete you, fulfill you, or instill in you a sense of worth or purpose.”
“Being open to correction means making ourselves vulnerable, and many people are not willing to do that.”

Power Of Authority Sample

“Friendship is not a gift, but is the result of hard work.”
“A wedding is and event, but marriage is a life.”
“One of the greatest tragedies in life is to watch potential die untapped.”
“A woman may be beautiful but have poor character. A man may be a business genius, making money left and right, but lack common courtesy, sensitivity, and compassion.”
“The first basic need of a male is sexual fulfillment; for a female, affection. The second most basic need of a male is recreational companionship; for a female, communication and conversation. The third basic need of a male in a relationship is an attractive woman; for a woman, honesty and openness. The fourth basic need of a male is domestic support; for a female, financial support. The fifth basic need of a male is admiration and respect; for a woman, family commitment.”
The purpose and power of authority by myles munroe pdf books free download
“God’s will and desire—His pleasure—is that we love Him. We cannot please God unless we love Him. We cannot love Him unless we know Him, and we cannot know Him unless we have faith in Him.”
“..success is not a comparison of what we have done with what others have done.”
tags: attitude, inspirational, life, potentials, success
“We are a sum total of what we have learned from all who have taught us, both great and small.”
tags: inspirational, knowledge-of-self, life, potentials
“Don’t ever make the mistake of telling God that you have nothing to offer. That simply is not true. God does not create any junk.”
“Marriage is two imperfect people committing themselves to a perfect institution, by making perfect vows from imperfect lips before a perfect God.”
“God did not create woman from man’s head, that he should command her, nor from his feet, that she should be his slave, but rather from his side, that she should be near his heart.”
“I’m washed, I’m forgiven, I’m whole, and I’m healed. I’m cleansed and I’m glory bound. I am only a sojourner on the earth. I am but a pilgrim on this planet, on my way to perfection, and I don’t need anybody to tell me who I am, because I know who I am. I am a child of the King, a son (or daughter) of God, born again through Jesus Christ, bought with the price of His blood. I am a new creation, totally new, thoroughly loved and completely accepted as a child of my Father, precious in His sight.”
“God’s love sets us free from the need to seek approval. Knowing that we are loved by God, accepted by God, approved by God, and that we are new creations in Christ empowers us to reject self-rejection and embrace a healthy self-love. Being secure in God’s love for us, our love for Him, and our love for ourselves, prepares us to fulfill the second greatest commandment: To love our neighbor as ourselves.”
“When certain parts of our bodies are touched, certain enzymes and chemicals that trigger sexual desire are released into our system. The more our bodies are stimulated, the more chemicals are released and the greater our sexual desire grows until it becomes a virtually unstoppable flood.”
“A person's readiness to date is largely a matter of maturity and environment.”
“God is the source and giver of our prosperity: “But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth” (Deut. 8:18a).”
The Purpose And Power Of Authority By Myles Monroe Pdf
“Junk is in the eyes of the beholder. Some look, but others see.”
“A man leads with his mind while a woman leads with her heart.”
“For a woman, language spoken is an expression of what she is feeling. For a man, language spoken is an expression of what he is thinking. A woman says what is on her heart while a man says what is on his mind.”
“A promise is a commitment to do something later, and a vow is a binding commitment to begin doing something now and to continue to do it for the duration of the vow. Some vows, or contracts, are for life; others are for limited periods of time.”

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